Your inheritance in Christ is secure.
God guarantees it!
Ephesians 1 is no infomercial
Touting a trinket—
Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
No, the picture Paul paints of you in Christ
Is deep,
Eternally reliable,
Infinitely valuable:
You have been sealed
With the Promised Holy Spirit,
Who is the guarantee of our inheritance
Until we acquire possession of it. (Eph. 1:13,14)
Some say we shouldn’t guarantee
The blessings of salvation—
The inheritance gets dangled like a carrot
Before the believer’s nose.
But God stamps it in His Word
And seals it in the believer’s heart
By the presence of the Spirit.
Find fuel for life not through
Fear of lost inheritance
But through
Faith in God’s presence and promises.
The Holy Spirit is God’s earnest money,
A down payment so rich
That you can be sure—
God has too much invested in you to ever
Let you go.