I bless you today
To be fed
“With knowledge
And understanding.” (Jer. 3:15)
When God’s people wandered
Into error and darkness,
The Lord promised:
“I will give you shepherds
After my own heart,
Who will feed you
With knowledge and understanding.”
Shepherds like David,
A “man after God’s own heart.”
Shepherds who do not lust for idols.
Shepherds who do not seek ungodly gain.
Shepherds who love and serve.
Shepherds lead and feed.
They find the greener pastures
And they lead their flocks
In the right way—toward
All that is good
And nourishing
And strengthening.
Now, your Good Shepherd
Has come
To lead and feed you.
May you be filled with
Lush, green truth,
Little lamb of God,
Be well-fed today.