I held Mia Joy in my arms
And whispered blessings
Into the heart of the grandbaby
Not yet a day old.
Six pounds and nine ounces
Of untainted life
Resting, without choice,
In the arms of a grandfather
Who gazed in wonder
And began dreaming.
Her thoughts?
“More milk please,”
“I think I’ll take a nap.”
My thoughts?
“You’ll grow in wisdom
And stature and favor”
In a woman of grace and intelligence
Who blesses the world
As she laughs and loves.
“I know the thoughts
I have for you, declares the Lord….” (Jeremiah 29:11)
His thoughts are too high,
Too lofty and wonderful,
To comprehend—
So I bless you to rest in His arms
And let Him dream
And whisper future grace into your heart.