Feeling frustrated by the folly
Of self-centered people?
Have you just about “had it”
With the immorality of the world?
How can your heart change
Toward people who deserve no mercy?
Ask Jesus for His eyes.
“When he saw the crowds,
He had compassion for them,
Because they were harassed and helpless,
Like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36, ESV).
“Like sheep….”
No one expects a sheep to find its own way.
Left to themselves,
They foul their own water supply,
Over-graze their pastures into ruin,
And follow other misguided sheep
Until they gouge their paths into ruts.
There’s only one solution
For a sheep’s waywardness—
A good shepherd.
I bless you to see how
Shepherdless are the sheep of this world
So you can feel Christ’s compassion
And point them to the Good Shepherd.