God held back storm winds for you.
Not summer thunderstorm winds.
Not tornado winds.
Not category 5 hurricane winds.
No, God held back fiercer gales—
The winds of judgment—
The destruction that Jeremiah prophesied–
The winds that scatter the wicked. (Jer. 49:36-37).
Join John on Patmos and watch,
The tempests that grow
From the four corners of the earth.
If you’re cold, build a fire.
If you’re hot, take a swim.
But if hurricane winds blow,
There is no natural cure.
The storm of judgment that John saw
Was inescapable – it approached from all sides.
And then…
“I saw four angels standing
At the four corners of the earth,
Holding back the four winds….” (Rev. 7:1)
For you.
For all in Christ.
Judgment has been restrained on your behalf.
So I bless you to walk without fear.
Let the wind blow,
You’re safe in God.