Isaac was confused
As he hiked up Mt. Moriah,
“Behold, the fire and the wood,
But where is the lamb?” (Genesis 22:7, ESV)
“Where is the lamb?”
Where is the sacrificial provision?
I bless you to switch
Your question.
When life gets problematic
Or perplexing
Or painful,
May your heart
And mouth
Be filled with the right question.
Not, “What must I do to fix it?”
But, “What has God done to provide?”
Not, “What must I sacrifice for God?”
But, “What has God sacrificed for me?”
“God will provide for himself the lamb… my son” (Genesis 22:8, ESV).
Whatever the question,
God has provided the answer
In the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29, ESV).
Where is the Lamb?
That’s the question.
Where is the provision of grace in Christ right now?
Where is the Lamb?
That’s your question,
Child of God,
Where is the Lamb?