I bless you to be one of the
“Great Ones” in the kingdom.
When the disciples quizzed Christ,
“Who is the greatest…?”
He didn’t reject the question.
He didn’t shame the questioners.
The more I think about it,
The more I like the question:
“Who has the most stuff of heaven
In their lives?”
It’s not a disgusting question—
It’s a delightful question,
One Jesus wanted to answer.
“And calling to him
A child…” the Savior said,
“Whoever humbles himself like this child
Is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:4, ESV).
The ones who know they aren’t in charge,
They’re the great ones.
The little ones who have no choice but to trust,
They’re the great ones.
The toddlers who laugh when they fall,
They’re the great ones.
I bless you, heir of God,
To be one of the Great Ones,
Just like a little child.