Since it is “All hallows day,”
This blessing is
“To the saints…” (Eph. 1:1, Rom. 1:7, 1 Cor.1:2, 2 Cor. 1:1, Phil. 1:1…)
To “the holy ones,”
To “the sanctified ones,”
To “those belonging to God,”
To “the set apart ones”…
That’s how Paul addresses his letters
Because it’s how God thinks of you.
In God’s eyes,
Holiness isn’t a goal toward which you aspire—
It is a reality you grow to accept.
To be “holy” to God
Is to be “set apart” to God—
To belong exclusively to God.
You are His treasure.
You are His because He made you
And you are His because He bought you.
You’re totally and thoroughly His.
You don’t become holy by putting away sin—
You put away sin by believing how holy you are.
I bless you “hallowed one”
To believe yourself a saint
And to live like it!