May all your misplaced anger
Melt in the warmth of authentic grief
Over yet met desires
In an imperfect world.
Psychologist Larry Crabb has asserted
That anger results when we confuse
Desires and goals.
Desires can be good and godly,
But they are not within our control.
Goals are objectives we can control.
I might desire a long and healthy life—
A good desire.
But what can I control?
I can exercise and develop a healthy diet—
Good goals.
Pray about your desires.
Work toward your goals.
It’s when we think of a desire
As a goal that we get mad.
It’s when we think someone (or something)
Is blocking our desire that we start fuming.
The authentic response in the face
Of unmet desires is grief, not anger.
I bless you to pray with faith for your desires,
And to have energy to pursue your goals,
And to never confuse the two.