God Moments
CD Album
- For years, readers have been nourished by Alan Wright’s timeless book, God Moments. Now, having preached fresh messages on the subject, Pastor Alan Wright invites you on a spiritual treasure hunt to uncover your God moments.

The Power of Blessing
CD Album
- Explore the dynamic power of blessing according to God’s Word. Let your heart be healed of old wounds from those who withheld their blessing.

Out of the Ruins
CD Album
- Join Pastor Wright for a powerful, tender portrait of God’s heart to restore what you’ve lost.

And, That's the Gospel
CD Album & Download
- Join us for an amazing journey of grace through a letter so revolutionary that it became the battle cry of the Reformation under Martin Luther and was dubbed the "Magna Carta of Christian Liberty.”

Alan Wright's Top 10
CD Album
- In celebration of ten years of radio ministry, Sharing the Light Ministries has assembled the most powerful, best-loved messages from each year of radio ministry. It’s one grand collection containing the top message from each of the ten years of radio broadcasts.

God Swears to God
CD Album
- In his series, God Swears to God, Pastor Alan takes you through Hebrews and deep into the story of Abraham’s call where God swore by Himself to bless the patriarch. You’ll learn the all-important secret of living by the power of God’s promises to you rather than your promises to Him.

Filled with the Holy Spirit
CD Album
- The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. He's the perfect Teacher, the greatest Coach, the most compassionate Comforter, the wisest Counselor. You can leave behind a life of emptiness and discover the power of a Spirit-filled life!

God Used Who?
CD Album
- Join Pastor Alan Wright for a stirring series featuring some of the Bible’s least studied female characters. Discover the Gospel on display in the lives of these unheralded women of the Word.

How to Have More Faith and Freedom
CD Album
- Most people go at it backwards. Most Christians try to become like Jesus by trying harder to do what Jesus would do. Ironically, trying to make yourself have more faith turns your thoughts away from Christ and toward yourself. You aren’t the author and finisher of your faith, Jesus is.

The Power of Grace
CD Album
- Want more victory in your life? Tired of falling in the same old pits? Ready to overcome those continually troubling sins? Discover the power of Grace!