If the Father gives you to Christ,
You can’t ever be cast out:
“All that the Father giveth me
Shall come to me;
And him that cometh to me
I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37, KJV)
“In no wise” –
It’s a rendering of a double negative in Greek,
It’s the old way of saying,
“I will not, not, cast out.”
“I will most certainly, never, ever cast out.”
Receive today’s blessing from
Famed Puritan preacher John Bunyan:
“But I am a great sinner, say you.
‘I will in no wise cast out,’ says Christ….
But I am a hard-hearted sinner, say you.
‘I will in no wise cast out’, says Christ.
But I have no good thing to bring with me, say you.
‘I will in no wise cast out,’ says Christ.
You, in Christ,
Can never, ever be cast out –
In no wise cast out,
Child of God,
In No Wise.