

October 22, 2024
skyline photography of concrete bridge

Power From On High

I bless you to Receive “power From on High.” (Luke 24:49) Not power from within. Not power from the world. […]
October 21, 2024
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

A Blessing for Greater Glory

I bless your soul To be rapt with wonder At the greater Glory Of God’s New Covenant grace. The ancient […]
October 18, 2024
a person walking on a dirt road

A Blessing to Walk Forward

I bless you to Move FORWARD. The challenges of The Promised Land Looked too daunting To the ten fearful spies […]
October 17, 2024
selective focus photography of green leafed plant

What God Appoints, He Anoints

“Before you were born,” God told Jeremiah, “I appointed you a prophet…” (Jer. 1:5)   The predestined prophet Balked, saying: […]
October 16, 2024
brown wooden bridge during daytime

The Trapeze Blessing

Life is a trapeze act (Paul Tournier once said). Sometimes you have to Let go Of a perfectly good swing […]
October 15, 2024
lighthouse near body of water

Desire God’s Gifts

I bless your desires To become increasingly God-shaped And God-sized. “… eagerly desire The spiritual gifts,” (1 Cor. 14:1) Paul […]
October 14, 2024
white sheep near the brown board

Humanism, Religion and Real Hope

I bless you “That by the POWER Of the HOLY SPIRIT You may abound in HOPE” (Romans 15:13). By the […]
October 11, 2024
orange tabby kitten sleeping on black and white striped textile

The Freedom to Rest

  I bless your rest, Your Sabbath in Christ, Your freedom to hit the pause button, Your liberty to live […]
October 10, 2024
man riding kayak on water taken at sunset

Finding Rest in Christ’s Finished Work

God rested on the seventh day Not because He was exhausted But because He was finished, Not because He was […]
October 9, 2024
a white dog laying on a wooden floor

A Blessing for Real Sabbath

In this never-ceasing society That craves doing more and more… And more, I  bless you to delight in real sabbath, […]
October 8, 2024
a young boy running through a sprinkle of water

A Blessing to Work with Childlike Joy

Grandbaby Mia turns two today. She doesn’t know it yet, But she’s getting a toy shopping cart Because she loves […]
October 7, 2024
a sunset over a body of water with clouds in the sky

What’s the Easy Yoke?

You aren’t a beast of burden. You aren’t called to bear the weight of the world.   There is a […]
October 4, 2024
A man riding a skateboard down the side of a wall

A Blessing for Work to Be Fun Again

I bless the work of your life To be a joy today. May all your work become fun again!   […]
October 3, 2024
silhouette of trees during sunset

A Blessing for a New Yoke

If you are over-burdened, Jesus offers His yoke.   His yoke? Yep. Isn’t that a heavy wooden beam With loops […]
October 2, 2024
man holding book statue under white clouds during daytime

A Blessing from Martin Luther

Take today’s blessing From Martin Luther’s pen: “The love of God does not find, But creates, that which is pleasing […]
October 1, 2024
man standing on stone looking at sunset

To Live as God’s Righteousness

Receive the promise Of the Lord Through His prophet Jeremiah: “’Behold, the days are coming,’ Declares the Lord, ‘When I […]
September 30, 2024
silhouette of a person during sunset

Discover Your Design

You’re God’s best work. I like blessing your life because To bless you is to bless God’s own craftsmanship. Paul […]
September 27, 2024
brown boat near dock

This is the Day the Lord Has Made

You can rejoice today because, if for no other reason, God made this day!   One of the dearest matriarchs […]
September 26, 2024
man sitting near body of water

The Elusive Worry-Free Life

No worries! It isn’t a figure of speech— It’s a promise, A real possibility. When Jesus said “Do not be […]
September 25, 2024
a woman walking down a road in the desert

A Blessing to Repent in a Better Way

I bless you to repent, To “change your way of thinking,” Not under the threat of God, But compelled by […]
September 24, 2024
silhouette photo of white sail boat

A Blessing for Peace with God

I bless you today with the peace that matters most— Peace with God. It’s the peace proclaimed in Romans 5:1: […]
September 23, 2024
bonfire near mountain

Unfazed By the Fire

Beloved, Do not be surprised At the fiery trial When it comes upon you to test you As though something […]
September 20, 2024
person walking in distance of mountain

A Blessing for the Burned Out

Here’s a word for the weary, A blessing for the burned out. It’s the invitation of Jesus:   “Are you […]
September 19, 2024
worms eye view of fog covered forest

The Deep Roots Blessing

I bless you to be Like a tree Planted by streams of water That yields its fruit In its season, […]
September 18, 2024
empty concrete road covered surrounded by tall tress with sun rays

What Hope is Not

I bless your spirit To have hope, Real hope, The biblical grandeur of hope. Hope. Not wishful thinking. Not pie […]
September 17, 2024
man using phone near road during daytime

A Blessing for the Weary

You have an invitation— A standing invitation: “Come to me,” Jesus beckons. What is the qualification For those invited Into […]
September 16, 2024
sunlight and tree

Escape the Darkness

Though the shadows linger, You are not engulfed In the dead of night— No, “the night is far gone” (Rom. […]
September 13, 2024
waterfall surrounded by green leaf trees at daytime

How to Win Against Worry

It’s hard to corral A cowardly thought. It’s tough to tame An unwelcome worry. It’s easier to redirect Your mind— […]
September 12, 2024
person holding three red apple fruits

A Blessing for the Fruit of the Spirit

I bless The fruit of the Spirit In you To grow And flourish With spring-like spontaneity. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. […]
September 11, 2024
man sitting on gray rock while staring at white clouds

A Slave to Righteousness

May you increasingly discover The BLISS of being a SLAVE Of righteousness (Romans 6:18). A SLAVE? Paul, the proclaimer of […]
September 10, 2024
silhouette of mountains

Fear Not Death

Be assured, Child of God, You are going to live forever. God doesn’t throw broken stuff away— He restores it. […]
September 9, 2024
depth photography of woman with flower headpiece

The Blessing of Casting Crowns

I bless you today To cast your crowns Before the throne (Rev. 4:10). Not because God demanded it, Not because […]
September 6, 2024
a man standing on a hill

A Guarantee

Your inheritance in Christ is secure. God guarantees it! Ephesians 1 is no infomercial Touting a trinket— Satisfaction guaranteed or […]
September 5, 2024
castle on mountain surrounded by trees

If You Want to Be Great in the Kingdom

I bless you to be one of the “Great Ones” in the kingdom. When the disciples quizzed Christ, “Who is […]
September 4, 2024
man standing on rock mountain during daytime

The Perfect Package: Hope, Joy, Peace

May God give you The perfect package, The best blessing bundle: Hope. Joy. Peace. (Romans 15:13) Hope—inward certainty of a […]
September 3, 2024
woman standing on green grass field during daytime

Wrapped in Power

May you be “Clothed with power From on high.” (Luke 24:49) Clothed… Adorned… Enveloped… With His presence. His power doesn’t […]
September 2, 2024
woman standing near river under gray sky during daytime

See the World as Jesus Sees

May you see the broken world Through the Savior’s eyes And discover His empathy For an immoral culture. When Jesus […]
August 30, 2024
dog sleeping on bed

A Blessing for the Tired Soul

Life been deadening lately? Take this blessing straight from God: You’re alive in Christ! You can know it— You can […]
August 29, 2024
orange and gray clouds during sunset

Before the Throne

“Come up here….” The invitation to John on Patmos isle Is yours as well. (Rev. 4:1) See Him, On the […]
August 28, 2024
stone ruins under cloudy sky

A Great Work

Like Nehemiah, you’re “doing a great work” And can’t afford to be distracted Or delayed Or detoured By the enemy’s […]
August 27, 2024
woman walking on pathway on top of hill at golden hour

All Things Through Christ

I bless you to know you “Can do all things Through Him Who strengthens You!” (Philippians 4:13) All things? Really? […]
August 26, 2024
a person reading a book on a bed

God is the Gospel

May you delight In God’s presence today Knowing that You have received Nothing less Than the ‘Gospel of God” (Romans […]
August 23, 2024
A foggy mountain with a bridge in the foreground

Abide in Hope

I bless you to Abide “In the hope of eternal life, Which God, Who does not lie, Promised before The […]
August 22, 2024
man standing near cliff

A Blessing for the Dreams from God

May your God dreams never die. May the inspired visions, The deep, God-given knowings, The Spirit-induced yearnings, Live in you, […]
August 21, 2024
a man and his dog sitting on a cliff at sunset

God’s Got Big Plans for You

God’s got big plans for you. “Thus says the Lord… I know the plans I have for you… Plans for […]
August 20, 2024
empty road

Peace Beyond Understanding

May “The Peace of God That surpasses All understanding… Guard your heart And your mind In Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7) […]
August 19, 2024
person on seashore during golden hour

Your Second Wind

I bless you today to get your second wind. Maybe you’ve seen it. The runner at the back of the […]
August 16, 2024
a person standing on top of a rocky hill

A Blessing to be Filled With Power

I feel fully authorized To bless you today to be Filled with divine power Because… The power of God Is […]
August 15, 2024
woman standing at seashore

A Blessing for Fight After Fight

I bless you to know And receive What God promised Joshua: “He will without fail drive out From before you […]
August 14, 2024
a vase filled with pink flowers on top of a table

The Power of Looking at Lilies

I bless you to look long At little, unworried things, Like lilies And sparrows. “Look at the birds of the […]
August 13, 2024
woman standing near river under gray sky during daytime


Your hardships aren’t defeating you They are making you stronger. Paul explains is plainly: “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing […]
August 12, 2024
person standing near the cliff of the mountain

A Blessing for the Elect Exiles

I bless you today as an “Elect exile….” (1 Peter 1:1) That’s how Peter addresses His first century readers And […]
August 9, 2024
boy in green t-shirt standing beside boy in green t-shirt

A Blessing to See People as Jesus Does

In one African culture, People do not greet each with “hello;” Instead, they say: “I see you.”   Today, I […]
August 8, 2024
two person walking in forest during daytime

You Can’t Disillusion God

May you see your sin As Jesus does.   First, He sees it. In all its life-robbing ugliness. He sees […]
August 7, 2024
woman in white dress walking on pathway between trees during daytime

A Blessing to See Your Sin as Jesus Does

I bless you today To see the sins of your past As Jesus sees does – Through a lens of […]
August 6, 2024
body of water at the foot of mountain

A Blessing for Your Little Faith

Here’s an unlikely blessing:   “O you of little faith.” (Matt. 14:31)   They’re the words of Jesus To the […]
August 5, 2024
person wearing black and red clothes

A Blessing to Let Jesus Serve You

What if Jesus Isn’t frustrated with Your unwillingness to serve Him As much as your resistance to Let Him serve […]
August 2, 2024
vintage brown binoculars o

A Blessing to See Yourself Through Jesus’ Eyes

Bless you, Heir of God, To see yourself through Jesus’ eyes.   What does He see when He looks at […]
August 1, 2024
red petaled flower painting

A Blessing for Creativity

  You were made in the image Of a genius Creator— A God who sees what can be Before it […]
July 31, 2024
Two people walking on a beach at sunset

A Blessing to Walk by the Spirit

Child of God, Receive the promise The Lord spoke through Paul:   “Walk by the Spirit, And you will not […]
July 30, 2024
a mountain range with a few clouds in the sky

Taking Your Promised Land

I bless you To fight in the Spirit Not so you can make The Promised Land yours— But because the […]
July 29, 2024
man standing on cliff facing bod of water

Are You Really Going to Wear That?

I bless you to “Put on The Lord Jesus Christ”! (Rom. 13:14). The “night is far gone” Paul says. The […]
July 26, 2024
two person walking on brown sands

Peace Will Guard Your Heart

With Apostle Paul’s Words to the Philippians, I bless you that The Unreasonable, Inexplicable Peace Of God “Will guard your […]
July 25, 2024
silhouette of trees and mountain near body of water

A Wake Up Blessing

May God, In His grace, Awaken you. “You know the time,” Paul tells the Romans and us, “That the hour […]
July 24, 2024
dog sleeping on bed

Unlocking Peaceful Living

I bless you to sleep like a baby.   Though researchers have Pinpointed 7000 different human fears, We’re born with […]
July 23, 2024
eagle flying on the sky

Break Free from Condemnation

I bless you to Experience Enjoy Embrace The greater Glory and Power Of the New Covenant Of Grace in Jesus […]
July 22, 2024
aerial photography of big fish during daytime

When You See a Whale

There are awe-inspiring, Eighty-foot fin whales In the Northeastern waters of Canada But most, like me, have never Seen them. […]
July 19, 2024
A mountain covered in clouds with a sky background

A Blessing for God’s Provision

God pro-vides.   “Pro” – it means “before,” as in “prologue.”   “Vid” – it means “to see” as in […]
July 18, 2024
silhouette of person in front of dog walking at seashore near island during sunset

A Blessing to See the Spiritual Gold

Easter is big, Like Christmas, At our house, Overflowing with presents For grown kids and the grandbaby And nieces and […]
July 17, 2024
green leaf tree on shore

A Blessing to Eat from the Tree of Life

I bless your heart’s longing To be drawn to The Tree of Life, Never to The Tree of Knowledge of […]
July 16, 2024
person swimming on body of water

Seeing Sin without Obsessing Over it

I bless you to know The predicament of sin And your powerlessness over sin Apart from Christ Because, like an […]
July 15, 2024
photo of seashore

How Jesus Invites You to Beauty

I once saw a beach sunset So beautiful that I couldn’t stand To see it alone. It was too beautiful […]
July 12, 2024
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

A Blessing for Mourning to Turn to Joy

As Jeremiah prophesied To the exiles, May God turn your “Mourning into joy …” “And give you gladness for sorrow.” […]
July 11, 2024
girl making hand gesture on her face

A Blessing to See for Yourself

Receive again The remarkable invitation Of discipleship – “Come and you will see.”   Think of it— You are invited […]
July 10, 2024
man in gray hoodie carrying backpack walking under the sun

A Blessing for Your Eyes to Open

“They stood still, looking sad” (Luke 24:17). Luke tells us of the disillusioned disciples Who were moping down the dusty […]
July 9, 2024
mountain surrounded with fog

A Blessing to Finally See

Imagine thick fog Stifling your progress, Binding you from moving forward On your windy road.   If you can’t see, […]
July 8, 2024
man sitting on gray rock while staring at white clouds

Seeing as Jesus Sees

I bless your eyes To see as Jesus sees.   Though most people Focus on doing, It is seeing that […]
July 5, 2024
silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

A Blessing for Synergy

May your life flow Synergistically By the providence and grace of God.   Synergy.   From the Greek prefix “syn” […]
July 4, 2024
silhouette of tree under multicolored fireworks

An Independence Day Blessing

Independence Day!   God bless America and keep her free!   Free from deception; Free from destruction; Free from demoralization. […]
July 3, 2024
brown lion lying on brown grass during daytime

A Blessing to Grow Spiritual Muscle

The hardships you are enduring Aren’t defeating you— They are building your Spiritual muscle. I bless you to “Rejoice in […]
July 2, 2024
white sheep on green grass field near snow covered mountain during daytime

Are You Serving Jesus, or is He Serving You?

I bless you to let Jesus serve you, For “the Son of Man Came not to be served but to […]
June 28, 2024
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

A Blessing of Love All Who Suffer

The love of the Lord Comforts, Assures, And heals. I bless your soul To experience the plea Of the psalmist: […]
June 27, 2024
person walking in the center of the road

Don’t Stop Now

They say that Nine out of ten people Give up Before the finish line. So, if you don’t quit, You’re […]
June 26, 2024
green-leafed tree on desert

God’s Past, Your Future

May your future And God’s past Meet miraculously At your every step, Like God promised Joshua: “Every place that The […]
June 25, 2024
brown concrete road during daytime

God is In Your Future

Listen. What’s that sound? Listen, Abraham, Can you hear it? Look up, Abraham. “And Abraham lifted up his eyes And […]
June 24, 2024
man holding luggage photo

The Power of Being Called

Take heart, Beloved, You’ve been called by God. Paul said it succinctly in His Romans salutation: “To all those in […]
June 22, 2024
silhouette photography of person standing on rock beside body of water

Seeing a Need vs. Receiving a Call

There is a difference Between seeing a need And discerning a call To meet a need.   I bless your […]
June 20, 2024
woman in sleeveless top and backpack surrounded by trees during daytime

A Blessing to Know Your Call

I bless the heaven-sent burden That sits on your heart; That deep, woeful longing That doesn’t diminish or dilute or […]
June 19, 2024
book on top of table and body of water

Attracted to God’s Word

I bless you to Thirst for the Purity And Power Of God’s Word. “Like newborn infants” May you “Crave the […]
June 18, 2024
green grass field under gray clouds

God Held Back the Storm

God held back storm winds for you. Not summer thunderstorm winds. Not tornado winds. Not category 5 hurricane winds.   […]
June 17, 2024
a mountain range with a lake in the foreground

Found In Him

I bless you to be “Found in Him Not having a righteousness Of your own That comes through the law.” […]
June 14, 2024
two white swan on body of water

How Could God Love Us So?

You are God’s “Beloved” Because you have been Blessed in THE Beloved. “Beloved”— One Greek word, “Agapetos” = One loved […]
June 13, 2024
woman watching hot air balloons

A Blessing to Cry Out to Jesus

Fear not to cry with Paul, “Who will deliver me?” (Romans 7:24) Because those who feel the futility Of their […]
June 12, 2024
butterfly on leaf

Unleash Your God-Given Gifts

You are gifted, Child of God, Spiritually Gifted! “One body” with “many members” (Rom. 12:4) Means every member of the […]
June 11, 2024
orange fruits under blue sky during daytime

Your Spiritual Appetite

I bless your spiritual appetite To be whet by The goodness of God. It need not take a crisis Or […]
June 10, 2024
Classified page 5 newspaper selective focus photography

You’re a Publisher of Good News

You’re a publisher of Good News. “How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him Who brings good news, […]
June 7, 2024
silhouette of plant during sunset

The Night is Far Gone

You aren’t stuck In the darkness: “The night is far gone; The day is at hand” (Rom. 13:12). I bless […]
June 6, 2024
bunch of sunflowers

You Can Wear God’s Love

I bless you To wear the love of Christ Like a warm coat. I bless you To wear the courage […]
June 5, 2024
white sheep near the brown board

Where is the Lamb?

Isaac was confused As he hiked up Mt. Moriah, “Behold, the fire and the wood, But where is the lamb?” […]
June 4, 2024
three cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other

The Perfect Package

May God give you The perfect package, The best blessing bundle: Hope. Joy. Peace. (Romans 15:13) Hope—inward certainty of a […]
June 3, 2024
a wooden block that says trust, surrounded by blue flowers

Who Can You Trust?

How can you trust God? By receiving the blessing Of Romans 8:31-32:   If God is for you, who can […]
May 31, 2024
brown lion lying on brown grass during daytime

The Secret to Trusting God

Want to trust God more? Receive the deepest blessing, The deepest assurance:   God is FOR you.   We only […]
May 30, 2024
black metal framed glass window

A Blessing For the Good

God put you here For good purposes. He put you here For the good. Sure, It’s good to hate what’s […]
May 29, 2024
lake between trees and mountains

When Love Engulfs Sin

If love engulfs a Multitude of sins, Be swamped and soaked And saturated in The Love of God. If love […]
May 28, 2024
a grassy hill with a mountain in the background

It’s Finally Over!

“Christ is the end of the Law For Righteousness to Everyone who believes.” (Romans 10:4) It means the End of […]
May 27, 2024
green trees beside body of water

Filled with Good News

May you be enamored today With the goodness of the Good News, Rapt with wonder at The goodness of… What […]
May 24, 2024
bird's-eye photography of white boat

The Allure of a More Beautiful Song

May you triumph Over temptation Not in the manner Of Odysseus who shackled Himself to the ship mast Forbidding his […]
May 23, 2024
woman walking on body of water

Weep No More

“Thus says the Lord: ‘Keep your voice from weeping, And your eyes from tears….” (Jer. 31:16) There is a time […]
May 22, 2024
brown and gray feather near seashore

The Greatest Power

No matter what bad news Or confusing dilemma Or challenging circumstance You might face today, I bless you to join […]
May 21, 2024
person holding stack of wheat

Claim Your Generational Blessings

I bless you to Envision, Enjoy, And embrace The generational blessings That have snuck into your life, Without you knowing […]
May 20, 2024
silhouette photo of woman standing while facing body of water

God at Work for Your Good

I bless the “good” That God is working Toward in “all things” In your life. “We know that for Those […]
May 17, 2024
black and white bird on brown tree branch

Being Loved Means Being Treasured

I bless you to Know, Experience, Apprehend, And Live In the love of God That “covers a multitude of sins” […]
May 16, 2024
brown grass surrounded by green trees

The Secret Path to Blessedness

I bless you to give and give and give And to love it and love it and love it. Take […]
May 15, 2024
brown wooden dock on sea under blue sky during daytime

The Humility that Leads to Honor

May the weak times, The humbling times, The hard times, Be, for you, The gateway to honor. “Humility comes before […]
May 14, 2024
a person standing on top of a mountain

An Uber Conqueror

In Christ, You aren’t merely victorious, You are “more than a conqueror” (Rom. 8:37). A “hypernike” (Greek)– An “uber conqueror.” […]
May 13, 2024
shallow focus photography white crown hanging decor

The Victory Blessing

Child of God, You are no victim— You are a victor. I bless you today To ingest and digest Paul’s […]
May 10, 2024
a close up of a sheep laying on the ground

Goodness will Follow You

Bless you, little lamb, Surely goodness and mercy Shall follow you All the days of your life And you shall […]
May 9, 2024
green mountain with fog

Loving the Unseen One

Receive the words from 1 Peter 1:8: “Though you have not seen him, You love him. Though you do not […]
May 8, 2024
person sitting on black surface looking to sky

A Blessing for the Holy Nation

You’re part of “A holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9)— A “set apart” people, Uniquely made for God, Privileged to enjoy […]
May 7, 2024
silhouette photo of white sail boat

A Blessing to Rejoice When Mistreated

I bless you to rejoice When you don’t fit into the world’s mold, When you are misunderstood And even mistreated. […]
May 6, 2024
woman in gray jacket standing near lake during daytime

A Blessing to Be in the Spirit

Child of God, “You … are not in the flesh But in the Spirit…” (Romans 8:9). You have flesh, But […]
May 3, 2024
five persons riding camels walking on sand beside Pyramid of Egypt

Making Bricks Without Straw

When hard things become harder, When bricks must be made without straw, Get ready – God is planning a great […]
May 2, 2024
brown tree surrounded with fog during daytime

Hope in the Unseen

I bless you to Hope In the unseen. “For in this hope We were saved…. Hope that is seen is […]
May 1, 2024
2 person walking on pathway during sunset

The Path to Lasting Hope

Hope comes by a process. It isn’t listed in the Galatians 5 fruit of the Spirit. It isn’t mentioned in […]
April 30, 2024
woman standing on green grass field during daytime

A Blessing to Reject False Gods

I bless your spiritual eyes To recognize The “gods who did not make The heavens and the earth.” (Jer. 10:11) […]
April 29, 2024
leafless tree under purple sky

God In You

God is in you, Child of God, IN YOU. “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus From the dead […]
April 26, 2024
a couple of people that are walking in the dirt

To Be Free Indeed

I bless you today With Jesus’ deep promise: “If the Son sets you free, You will be free indeed.” (John […]
April 25, 2024
gray and white pathway between green plants on vast valley

A Way Out of Sin

There is a way out. There is a way forward. There is way of victory. There is always a way […]
April 24, 2024
man riding kayak on water taken at sunset

Forget “YOLO”

Child of God, You are going to live forever In a new heaven and a new earth. While the world […]
April 23, 2024
fire on black sand near body of water during daytime

Burn Bright

May the Word of God burn inside your bones with holy love.   I bless the blazing Word of God […]
April 22, 2024
Business newspaper article

Best News Ever

BEST NEWS EVER: “There is therefore Now no condemnation For those IN Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). IN Christ. Not in […]
April 19, 2024
a man standing on top of a dirt road under a sky filled with stars

Who Defines You?

Who gets to define Your identity? Who gets to shed light On the big question: Who are you? I bless […]
April 18, 2024
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

Hearing Jesus

I bless you to Hear Jesus say: “You are…” Like He said To Simon Bar-Jonah. “You are… Petra, the rock” […]
April 17, 2024
pink tulip field

Embrace the New

The old has passed away; Behold, the new has come. (2 Cor. 5:17)   This spring seems more sweet, More […]
April 16, 2024
landscape of waterfalls

A Miracle in the Making

Maybe your miracle Is in the next cool dip In the Jordan. Proud General Naaman’s leprosy Had a cure— Wash […]
April 15, 2024
brown and gray concrete building


Your Jericho walls Are going to tumble. I bless you to keep marching. What if the Israelites had stopped After […]
April 13, 2024
leafless tree on green grass field during sunset

Filled With Wisdom

I bless you that “You may be filled With the knowledge of his will In all spiritual wisdom And understanding, […]
April 11, 2024
gray tortoise walking on green grass field

A Blessing for Patience

I bless you today to be “Strengthened With all power, According to his glorious might, For all endurance And patience […]
April 10, 2024
silhouette photography of person standing on rock beside body of water

True Humility

May you “Have this mind… Which is yours in Christ Jesus, Who, though he was in the form of God, […]
April 9, 2024
pathway between cherry blossoms

A Blessing to Forget Your Pain

I bless you to be as Manasseh— “Forgotten troubles,” the name means. You are not defined by the pain of […]
April 8, 2024
bunch of sunflowers

Put On Your New Clothes

You’ve got some new clothes! In Christ, you have the privilege Of putting off the Old Self And putting on […]
April 5, 2024
silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

You’re Not a Slave to Sin

Child of God, You are no slave to sin. Paul says it plainly: “[Your] old self was crucified With Him […]
April 4, 2024
a branch of a tree with white flowers

Forget the Past, Forge Ahead

I bless you that, “Forgetting What lies Behind And straining Forward To what lies Ahead,” You will be able to […]
April 3, 2024
orange petaled flowers

Disbelieving for Joy

I bless you this Wednesday after Easter To be like the Disciples on Resurrection Day Who saw Jesus and disbelieved for joy. […]
April 2, 2024
three person walking on pathway

The Road to Emmaus

It was Resurrection Day And the disciples on the road to Emmaus were despondent.   They thought it was the […]
April 1, 2024
green plant with red round fruits

I Told You So!

“He’s not here,” the angel said. “He’s risen, just as He said.” (Matt. 28:6) It’s like saying, ‘I told you […]
March 29, 2024
brown cross on brown rock during daytime

It is Finished

It’s Good Friday, and I bless you with one of Jesus’s dramatic words from the cross As He breathed his […]
March 28, 2024
long-exposure photo of lake with waterfall at daytime

Letting Jesus Wash You

I bless you on this Maundy Thursday, The Thursday before Easter, From the Latin word for mandate— The command to […]
March 26, 2024
brown rocky mountain beside river under blue sky and white clouds during daytime

All Things Are Yours

Receive this startling, Mind-bending blessing from Paul’s pen, The Word of God to all believers:   “All things are yours.” […]
March 25, 2024
brown and gray concrete building

Deep Cisterns Blessing

I bless your every taste Of Living Water That pools in the cisterns you did not dig.   When God […]
March 22, 2024
water drop on bucket photo

The Blessings of Cisterns You Didn’t Dig

I bless you today to think About the people who have Gone before you Digging the cisterns From which you […]
March 21, 2024
person holding white and black i love you print card

Mr. Roger’s Blessing

In 2001, Fred Rogers, Presbyterian clergyman And children’s TV pioneer, spoke at Marquette University And said, “Anyone who has ever […]
March 19, 2024
brown lion lying on brown grass during daytime

A Blessing for Boldness

“No man Shall be able To stand before you All the days Of your life. Just as I was with […]
March 18, 2024
bird spreading its wings

Quit Flapping, Start Soaring

You aren’t designed to flap Your wings Frantically, Futilely, Until you run out of fuel. You are made to soar. […]
March 15, 2024
man stands on top of mountain

A Blessing to Persevere

I bless you to keep sowing Because … In due season You will reap! (Gal. 6:9)   Hell can’t crush […]
March 14, 2024
purple flower field during daytime

Savor the New!

I bless you to see and savor the new. I might have liked it if God Had made daffodils to […]
March 13, 2024
orange fruits on green leaves

Overflowing with the Spirit’s Fruit: Experience God’s Love, Joy, and Peace

May you overflow With the Spirit’s fruit today. Love … God’s affection, selflessness, generosity. Joy …God’s laughter, light-heartedness, elation. Peace […]
March 12, 2024
an aerial view of a desert with rocks and sand

True Unity

I bless you today to Look beyond the world’s hate And rivalry And racism And finger-pointing And polarization Behold with […]
March 11, 2024
a person walking through a canyon in the desert

Endurance, Patience, and Joy

I bless you today to be “Strengthened With all power, According to his glorious might, For all endurance And patience […]
March 8, 2024
person surrounded by white flowers

Peace with God

I bless you today with the peace that matters most— Peace with God. It’s the peace proclaimed in Romans 5:1: […]
March 7, 2024
a person sitting on top of a sand dune


Eyes of the heart, Be blessed to open wide And see!   To see the hope To which He has […]
March 6, 2024
white sheep on brown grass field near body of water during daytime


You’ve been chosen In Christ Before the foundation Of the world. (Eph 1:4) This isn’t wooden fatalism— This is a […]
March 5, 2024
white goat beside fence

The First Born

n Christ, You’re a first-born son. Whether old or young, Male or female, New disciple, Or seasoned saint, Paul’s words […]
March 4, 2024
man and woman sitting on bench in front of beach

A Blessing for the Gifted

You’re gifted, Child of God, You’re gifted. I bless you to know Your gifts, For God to grow Your gifts, […]
March 1, 2024
girl sitting on tire swing at daytime

The Secret to Blessedness

May you have the heart of a child— Wild and wonderful and free, Laughing and loving and learning, Trusting and […]
February 29, 2024
selective focus photography of swan

Be Not Dismayed

I bless you today to… “Fear not, For God is with you; Be not dismayed, For He is your God; […]
February 28, 2024
physalis fruits

Desire God’s Gifts

I bless your desires To become increasingly God-shaped And God-sized. “… eagerly desire The spiritual gifts,” (1 Cor. 14:1) Paul […]
February 27, 2024
a person standing on top of a sand dune

Embracing the Eternal Perspective

February 26, 2024
man in brown jacket and gray pants walking on sidewalk during daytime

You’re God’s Best Work

You’re God’s best work. I like blessing your life because To bless you is to bless God’s own craftsmanship. Paul […]
February 23, 2024
a person standing on top of a sand dune

Move Forward!

I bless you to Move FORWARD. The challenges of The Promised Land Looked too daunting To the ten fearful spies […]
February 22, 2024
person sitting across body of water

The Humility that Leads to Honor

May the weak times, The humbling times, The hard times, Be, for you, The gateway to honor. “Humility comes before […]
February 21, 2024
person holding toasted bread

No Lack of Manna

“Whoever gathered much had nothing left over, And whoever gathered little had no lack.” (Ex. 16:18) The Israelites in the […]
February 20, 2024
a woman paddling a canoe on a lake

Stop Striving to be Righteous

I bless you today To revel in the “Righteousness of God Manifested apart from the law.” (Romans 3:22)   What […]
February 19, 2024
a person standing on top of a large rock

A Blessing to Repent in a Better Way

I bless you to repent, To “change your way of thinking,” Not under the threat of God, But compelled by […]
February 16, 2024
man walking on desert

The Fire Inside Your Bones

I bless your bones To feel God’s call Like a fire Burning In your marrow— A blaze of grace And […]
February 15, 2024
man with LED headlight looking upward

Seduced By God

I bless you to be Smitten By the beauty of God’s holiness As was Jeremiah. Your English translation Won’t dare […]
February 14, 2024
bed of red roses

God’s Valentine to You

Here’s God’s valentine note To you, His beloved— A blessing from Paul’s pen: “According to the riches of his glory […]
February 13, 2024
woman riding on swing during sunset

Forget Your Sin

I bless you today to forget about your sin The way God has. What? The heart protests: But I still […]
February 12, 2024
woman in white long sleeve dress standing on beach during daytime

To Live as God’s Righteousness

Receive the promise Of the Lord Through His prophet Jeremiah: “’Behold, the days are coming,’ Declares the Lord, ‘When I […]
February 9, 2024
green and white mug

This is the Day

This is the day. There are plenty of challenges in every day. Any day can present a conflict in need […]
February 8, 2024
dirt road between green trees during daytime

A Good Mystery

The mystery Has been made known To you In Christ. (Eph 1:9) Let’s be clear, This isn’t a whodunnit. You […]
February 7, 2024
white sheep sitting on grass

Draw Near to God

You’re near to God. An insider. Up close. Secret access. Paul says it plainly: “In Christ, you who once Were […]
February 6, 2024
brown wooden dock on lake during daytime

No Worries!

No worries! It isn’t a figure of speech— It’s a promise, A real possibility. When Jesus said “Do not be […]
February 5, 2024
person standing near the cliff of the mountain

A Blessing for the Exiles

May your spiritual eyes Be unimpressed with Babylon, Child of God— You are designed to be dazzled By your Creator, […]
February 2, 2024
silhouette of man standing on dock during sunset

Unashamed of the Gospel

I bless you to be “Not ashamed of the Gospel, For it is the power of God For salvation to […]
February 1, 2024
reflective photo of clouds

A Citizen of Heaven

I bless you today To enjoy your “Citizenship in heaven.” (Philippians 3:20) In Paul’s words, “Our citizenship is in heaven […]
January 31, 2024
brown rocky mountain during daytime

Let There Be Light

Let there be light. Into any gray place of confusion… Into any shadowy place of despair… Into any darkened place […]
January 30, 2024
a book with a picture of people

The Elijah Blessing

There is the sound of the rushing of rain— May your ears be blessed to hear it. There is a […]
January 29, 2024
woman standing beside body of calm water

A Blessing to Destroy Idols

I bless you to rid yourself Of every idol, That you be shamed No more. “Every goldsmith is Shame by […]
January 26, 2024
gray concrete castle

God, Our Fortress

“The Lord is your rock And your fortress And your deliverer, Your God, Your rock, In whom you take refuge, […]
January 25, 2024
selective focus photography of sliced bread

Manna From Heaven

“Behold, I am about to rain bread From heaven For you.” With those words of the Lord to His people […]
January 24, 2024
aerial view of rock cliffs

Your True Ark of the Covenant

I bless you today To know and experience The fullness of God’s Purity, Presence, Peace and Power— All that once […]
January 23, 2024
herd of sheep crossing on pathway during daytime

Feast on God’s Grace

Bless you, little lamb. The Shepherd prepares a table For you In the presence of your enemies. No need to […]
January 22, 2024
green citrus fruit with water dew

A Blessing for Your Fruit to Multiply

As God blessed Adam and Eve, I bless you to bear fruit and “Multiply.” The Lord, of course, envisioned The […]
January 19, 2024
white flower field under cloudy sky

A Blessing to Be Fruitful

As God blessed the man and woman Whom He had created in His own image, I bless you this New […]
January 18, 2024
green and red apples in brown wooden bucket

A New Year’s Blessing

Receive God’s first spoken blessing: “Be fruitful and multiply  and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion…” (Genesis […]
January 17, 2024
white lamb on green grassland during daytime

Because Christ Paid It All

I bless you to walk in constant Expectancy of the Favor of God because You have been qualified “To share […]
January 16, 2024
a lone person standing in the middle of a desert


I bless the favor of God  On your life!   When you live according to the law, You get only […]
January 15, 2024
white sheep near the brown board

No Matter What

I bless you to live all Your days under the right hand Of God’s favor. When times are hard, May […]
January 12, 2024
selective focus photography of red cardinal on tree

Growing Your Soul

Your soul is getting bigger In order to be better. It might be nice to bless you To become an […]
October 18, 2024
a person walking on a dirt road

A Blessing to Walk Forward

I bless you to Move FORWARD. The challenges of The Promised Land Looked too daunting To the ten fearful spies […]
October 11, 2024
orange tabby kitten sleeping on black and white striped textile

The Freedom to Rest

  I bless your rest, Your Sabbath in Christ, Your freedom to hit the pause button, Your liberty to live […]
October 9, 2024
a white dog laying on a wooden floor

A Blessing for Real Sabbath

In this never-ceasing society That craves doing more and more… And more, I  bless you to delight in real sabbath, […]
October 8, 2024
a young boy running through a sprinkle of water

A Blessing to Work with Childlike Joy

Grandbaby Mia turns two today. She doesn’t know it yet, But she’s getting a toy shopping cart Because she loves […]
October 3, 2024
silhouette of trees during sunset

A Blessing for a New Yoke

If you are over-burdened, Jesus offers His yoke.   His yoke? Yep. Isn’t that a heavy wooden beam With loops […]
September 26, 2024
man sitting near body of water

The Elusive Worry-Free Life

No worries! It isn’t a figure of speech— It’s a promise, A real possibility. When Jesus said “Do not be […]
September 20, 2024
person walking in distance of mountain

A Blessing for the Burned Out

Here’s a word for the weary, A blessing for the burned out. It’s the invitation of Jesus:   “Are you […]
September 17, 2024
man using phone near road during daytime

A Blessing for the Weary

You have an invitation— A standing invitation: “Come to me,” Jesus beckons. What is the qualification For those invited Into […]
September 16, 2024
sunlight and tree

Escape the Darkness

Though the shadows linger, You are not engulfed In the dead of night— No, “the night is far gone” (Rom. […]