

January 11, 2024
green cactus plants under blue sky

The Promised Land’s Anthem

When the spies Return from their scouting mission With their conflicting reports— I bless you to believe The Truth About […]
January 10, 2024
a desert landscape with rocks and sand

Power From On High

November 15, 2023 I bless you to Receive “power From on High.” (Luke 24:49) Not power from within. Not power […]
January 9, 2024
two eggs in bird nest

The Most Important Assurance

I bless you with the assurance, The deep-seated confidence, That nothing, No one, No foe, No friend, Can pull you […]
January 8, 2024
gray and black birds on brown sand

You’re In His Hands

Join Jeremiah At the Potter’s house And watch the Artist At His wheel. Ordinary clay— Some moistened dirt— Whirling about […]
January 5, 2024
2 women in blue denim jacket

You’re Appointed

“Before you were born … I appointed you….” (Jer. 1:5) Before you were born, God saw you, Knew you, And […]
January 4, 2024
person holding fire cracker shallow focus photography

A Blessing to Stay New

I bless your spirit To rejoice in the New that doesn’t Get old. When the ball Has dropped And the […]
January 3, 2024
woman in brown shirt fronting trees

Something Better Than Forgiveness

“Who shall bring Any charge against [you]?” (Romans 8:33).   You are more than forgiven. You are more than free. […]
January 2, 2024
a group of people sitting on top of a sandy beach

Here’s How You Can Be Confident

Child of God, The Creator of the cosmos, Is utterly and completely For you.   And, if God is for […]
January 1, 2024
woman in blue denim jeans and black jacket walking with woman in green jacket

God is FOR You!

I bless you to rest and revel In the assurance of Romans 8: “God is for you”— Unreservedly, unconditionally for […]
December 29, 2023
person molding vase

God’s Watchfulness

Go down To the Potter’s house, With Jeremiah And watch. Watch the Artist Throwing the clay, Spinning the wheel, Shaping […]
December 28, 2023
silhouette photo of a person running on road

Run to Jesus

After the feasts, And festivities, It feels like time for a nap. Most of the time, Life chugs too fast, […]
December 27, 2023
sun rays peak through clouds over herd of goats on hill

Let’s Go!

What is there to do After Christmas? After the gifts And the gatherings And the ho, ho, ho. What shall […]
December 26, 2023
snow covers cars parked on road side

An After Christmas Blessing

Here’s a blessing for the day after Christmas. The day after the presents have been opened. The day after all […]
December 25, 2023
selective focus photography of cardinal bird on tree branch

Merry Christmas!

Absolutely, here’s an inclusion to the message addressing those who might be feeling alone or struggling: Merry Christmas! Today, as […]
December 22, 2023
black framed eyeglasses on white book page

Win Against Worry

It’s hard to corral A cowardly thought. It’s tough to tame An unwelcome worry. It’s easier to redirect Your mind— […]
December 21, 2023
a multicolored tile wall with a pattern of small squares

Wear the Robe Your Father Gave You

I bless you to Wear the robe your father gives you.   When Jacob played favorites And gave his youngest […]
December 20, 2023
snow field and green pine trees during daytime

The Baby King 2

  Be filled with the preposterous Delightful Ridiculous Proposal that was put into song:   “Let’s make a baby king. […]
December 19, 2023
orange hanging decoration illustration

Augustine’s Christmas Blessing

Be   blessed today with the Words of St. Augustine That tell the wonders of Incarnation so well:   “Man’s Maker […]
December 18, 2023
cabin in forest with snow

The Baby King

The Lord Jesus is your righteousness!   It is the promise of God From the pen of Jeremiah:   “In […]
December 15, 2023
nativity outdoor decor during night time

Every Word of God Fulfilled

YES! to all God’s promises in your life. YES! to every impossible thing He has planned for you. YES! to […]
December 14, 2023
yellow Christmas star decor


“Greetings, O favored one, The Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28) Let Gabriel’s good news For Mary Be good news […]
December 13, 2023
lighted brown lighthouse beside body of water

The Blessing of Discernment

I bless you to discern What is right and best By the abiding presence of the Spirit. Beloved, God cares […]
December 12, 2023
silhouette of people riding on camels

A Blessing for the Impossible

“How …?” Lips quivering, Eyes squinting, The teenaged girl Queries the resplendent creature. “How can this be?”, Mary needs an […]
December 11, 2023
person wearing headlamp facing towards snow mountain

That’s Unfair!

Through Adam’s sin, We all were born into sin, All condemned: “Because of one man’s trespass, Death reigned through that […]
December 8, 2023
a person standing on top of a mountain at sunset

Like the Man of Heaven

Through Adam, The “man of dust,” (1 Cor. 15:47) We all were born like him— People of dust.   But […]
December 7, 2023
a person standing on top of a rocky hill

You’re In the Last Adam

  Child of God, You are no longer In the first Adam – You are in the second Adam, The […]
December 6, 2023
road in between trees covered by snow

When You’re in the Wilderness

God can transform Your wilderness.   “The burning sand Shall become a pool, And the thirsty ground Springs of water.” […]
December 5, 2023
closeup photo of lantern lamp

Made For Joy

You are made for joy, Child of God, Everlasting Joy. It means desert times, No matter how searing, Do not […]
December 4, 2023
person showing aerial photo of forest during sunrise

Desire of Nations, Come

Haggai prophesied Christmas By announcing the coming of the desire of nations, The desire of all nations.The deepest desire of […]
December 1, 2023
nativity outdoor decor during night time

One Born and Given

I bless you with The prophet’s words Made personal: “Unto you a child is born, To you a son is […]
November 30, 2023
The Nativity of Christ-themed wooden Christmas ornament

The Immanuel Blessing

Receive The promise from Isaiah’s pen, The prophecy of the coming King, The power of the Incarnation foretold: “Behold the […]
November 29, 2023
a person standing on top of a mountain

A Fresh Infilling of the Holy Spirit

I bless you to receive A fresh infilling of the Spirit. “Receive the Holy Spirit,” Jesus told His disciples. (John […]
November 28, 2023
woman walking on pathway with falling leaves near body of water during daytime

What God Appoints, He Anoints

“Before you were born,” God told Jeremiah, “I appointed you a prophet…” (Jer. 1:5) The predestined prophet Balked, saying: “I’m […]
November 27, 2023
fire on black sand near body of water during daytime

God With Us

I bless you to know The nearness, the “withness,” of God. Receive the ancient promise again: “Behold, The virgin shall […]
November 24, 2023
a man climbing up the side of a mountain

Unveiling the Glory of God

As you mature in Christ, child of God, I bless you to see more and more of His glory,   […]
November 23, 2023
brown wooden board

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you and for the overwhelming sense of wonder within me as I’ve just concluded […]
November 22, 2023
pavement surrounded with dried leaves

God is Able

“Now, to him who is able to strengthen you…” (Rom. 16:25)   I bless you to know that God is […]
November 21, 2023
a view of the top of a mountain in the clouds


May childlike astonishment Surprise you today, Causing your heart to pause, To think of God, And whisper, Wow.   Like […]
November 20, 2023
a small black and white bird perched on a branch

Just … Wow

  May the wonders of the Gospel And the glory of Christ And the depths of His riches Cause your […]
November 17, 2023
a small black and white bird perched on a branch

Great Trouble and Great Comfort

The greater the troubles, The greater the comfort. The deeper the disappointment, The deeper the grace. The harder the trial, […]
November 16, 2023
a man standing on top of a sandy hill

Move Forward in God’s Presence

I bless you to Step into the Jordan Under the power of God’s presence. Like the children of God Who […]
November 15, 2023
sun setting over the trees

A Blessing for Power from On High

I bless you to Receive “power From on High.” (Luke 24:49) Not power from within. Not power from the world. […]
November 14, 2023
person standing near the cliff of the mountain

They Shall Come Back

Someone you love away from God? Someone you cherish trapped in Babylon? I bless you to lay claim To Jeremiah’s […]
November 13, 2023
man standing on grass field overlooking mountain

The Might of God

I bless you to discover God’s benevolent might Like Jeremiah who exclaimed: “You are stronger than I, And you have […]
November 10, 2023
trees on forest with sun rays

A Blessing to Reject False Gods

I bless your spiritual eyes To recognize The “gods who did not make The heavens and the earth.” (Jer. 10:11) […]
November 8, 2023
man sitting in the top of the mountain

Bless Your Thoughts

I bless you To THINK on these things: “Whatever is true, Whatever is honorable, Whatever is just, Whatever is pure, […]
November 6, 2023
landscape photography of mountain hit by sun rays

Let Jesus Serve You

I bless you to let Jesus serve you, For “the Son of Man Came not to be served but to […]
November 3, 2023
white and brown bird perching on corndog stem

You Are Loved

Beloved, It’s Peter’s term for the saints (1 Peter 4:12) Because That’s who you are. You are “One who is […]
November 2, 2023
yellow and black wasp

How to be Humble

Child of God, I bless you to live Like a little child. To be like a child Is “the greatest” […]
November 1, 2023
forest heat by sunbeam

All Saints Day Blessing

Since it is “All hallows day,” This blessing is “To the saints…” (Eph. 1:1, Rom. 1:7, 1 Cor.1:2, 2 Cor. […]
October 30, 2023
person near sea of clouds

More than a Conqueror

You are an uber-conqueror, More than a victor, Through Christ Who loves you Infinitely And Perfectly And Who has died […]
October 27, 2023
filed stoneware jugs

God’s Watchfulness

Go down To the Potter’s house, With Jeremiah And watch.   Watch the Artist Throwing the clay, Spinning the wheel, […]
October 26, 2023
man and woman standing near bonfire on seashore during night

Unfazed by the Fire

“Beloved, Do not be surprised At the fiery trial When it comes upon you to test you As though something […]
October 25, 2023
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

A Blessing to Know Whose You Are

I bless you to Know WHO you are And WHOSE you are. You are “A people for his own possession.” […]
October 24, 2023
world map poster

God is a Planner

God is a planner— A planner of good things For His children. Like Anne’s preparation For the delightful sabbatical We […]
October 23, 2023
a sunbeam shines through a cave in the ocean

God In You

God is in you, Child of God, IN YOU. “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus From the dead […]
October 20, 2023
a person standing on top of a sandy hill

Humanism vs. Religion vs. Real Hope

I bless you “That by the POWER Of the HOLY SPIRIT You may abound in HOPE” (Romans 15:13).   By […]
October 19, 2023
two brown boxes and DVD cases on rack

The Perfect Package

May God give you The perfect package, The best blessing bundle:   Hope. Joy. Peace. (Romans 15:13)   Hope—inward certainty […]
October 18, 2023
a view of a mountain with clouds in the sky

What Hope is Not

I bless your spirit To have hope, Real hope, The biblical grandeur of hope.   Hope. Not wishful thinking. Not […]
October 17, 2023
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

God, Our Hope

“May the God of Hope Fill you….” (Romans 15:13)   He is not only Dispenser of hope— God IS hope. […]
October 16, 2023
aerial photography of flowers at daytime

More Than Enough Hope

May the GOD Of HOPE FILL YOU with ALL Joy and Peace… So that By the POWER Of the Holy […]
October 14, 2023
book on table

Some Really Good Questions

To bless you today, I have some queries because Sometimes the best blessing is a question. Like Jesus speaking to […]
October 12, 2023
a woman climbing up a large rock in the mountains

The Path to Lasting Hope

Hope comes by a process. It isn’t listed in the Galatians 5 fruit of the Spirit. It isn’t mentioned in […]
October 11, 2023
white sheep near the brown board

Where is the Lamb?

Isaac was confused As he hiked up Mt. Moriah, “Behold, the fire and the wood, But where is the lamb?” […]
October 10, 2023
woman walking on pathway with falling leaves near body of water during daytime

Headed Home

When the younger brother Who’d abased himself in a faraway land Decided to go home He crafted a repentance speech: […]
October 9, 2023
a couple of people that are walking in the dirt

You Can Wear God’s Love

I bless you To wear the love of Christ Like a warm coat.   I bless you To wear the […]
October 6, 2023
piled of black, gray, and brown clothes

Putting On Christ

I bless you to “Put on The Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13:14). The old clothes don’t fit you— Those nighttime […]
October 5, 2023
a young boy running through a sprinkle of water

Are You Really Going to Wear That?

  I bless you to “Put on The Lord Jesus Christ”! (Rom. 13:14).   The “night is far gone” Paul […]
October 4, 2023
man standing on stone looking at sunset

A Blessing to Escape the Darkness

Though the shadows linger, You are not engulfed In the dead of night— No, “the night is far gone” (Rom. […]
October 3, 2023
gray clouds during golden hour

The Night is Far Gone

You aren’t stuck In the darkness:   “The night is far gone; The day is at hand” (Rom. 13:12).   […]
October 2, 2023
a close up of a silver watch face

Do you know what time it is?

I bless you to “Know the time” (Romans 13:11).   Not “chronos” time. Not the quantity of time Or the […]
September 29, 2023
silhouette of man facing sunset

A Wake Up Blessing

  May God, In His grace, Awaken you.   “You know the time,” Paul tells the Romans and us, “That […]
September 28, 2023
the sun is setting over a field of grass

God is Smiling Upon You

To say “There is therefore Now no condemnation For those in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). Is to say… You can […]
September 27, 2023
man holding lighted gas lantern

A Way Out of Sin

here is a way out. There is a way forward. There is way of victory. There is always a way […]
September 26, 2023
low angle photography of brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime

When You Have to Make Bricks Out of Straw

When hard things become harder, When bricks must be made without straw, Get ready – God is planning a great […]
September 25, 2023
a woman taking a picture of herself with a camera

What Would Happen if You Could See the World as Jesus Sees

May you see the broken world Through the Savior’s eyes And discover His empathy For an immoral culture. When Jesus […]
September 22, 2023
a couple of people that are walking in the dirt

The Power of Being Called

Take heart, Beloved, You’ve been called by God. Paul said it succinctly in His Romans salutation: “To all those in […]
September 21, 2023
a young boy running through a sprinkle of water

You are God’s Beloved

You are God’s “Beloved” Because you have been Blessed in THE Beloved. “Beloved”— One Greek word, “Agapetos” = One loved […]
September 20, 2023
road between brown mountain under cloudy sky

God Loves You Uniquely

When the Father spilled over with affection And joy And said of His baptized begotten: “You are my Beloved Son,” […]
September 19, 2023
orange petaled flowers

God is the Gospel

May you delight In God’s presence today Knowing that You have received Nothing less Than the ‘Gospel of God” (Romans […]
September 18, 2023
person wearing headlamp facing towards snow mountain

Cry Out to Jesus

Fear not to cry with Paul, “Who will deliver me?” (Romans 7:24) Because those who feel the futility Of their […]
September 15, 2023
man on grass field looking at sky

A Slave of Righteousness

May you increasingly discover The BLISS of being a SLAVE Of righteousness (Romans 6:18). A SLAVE? Paul, the proclaimer of […]
September 15, 2023
aerial photo of foggy mountains

Can You Enjoy Repenting?

If God’s kindness is meant To lead you to repentance” (Rom. 2:4) I bless you to experience The love of […]
September 13, 2023
bird flying over snow covered mountain during daytime

Thrive in Adversity

Your hardships aren’t defeating you They are making you stronger. Paul explains is plainly: “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing […]
September 12, 2023
a man standing in the middle of a desert

Death Has Died

Your enemy’s primary threat Has been rendered Irrelevant. Impotent. Nothing but a bunch of hot air. Your foe’s primary, Strategic […]
September 11, 2023
smiling man standing near green trees

Pressure’s Off!

Pressure’s off! The spiritual gifts that God Has given you, Child of God, Are gifts! They are “charismata” – The […]
September 8, 2023
man jumping on the middle of the street during daytime

A Blessing to Use Your Gifts

I bless every spiritual gift That God has planted in you To grow and bear sweet fruit, Even this day […]
September 7, 2023
two white doves flying

Unleash Your God-Given Gifts

You are gifted, Child of God, Spiritually Gifted! “One body” with “many members” (Rom. 12:4) Means every member of the […]
September 6, 2023
person standing near body of water

Unshakeable Freedom

“Who shall bring Any charge against [you]?” (Romans 8:33).   You are more than forgiven. You are more than free. […]
September 5, 2023
a person sitting on top of a sand dune

When Life Doesn’t Feel Right

If some things don’t feel “right,” May you know the fullness Of the forgiveness that you’ve Freely received in Jesus. […]
September 4, 2023
rule of thirds photography of man on boat

Peace with God

I bless you today with the peace that matters most— Peace with God. It’s the peace proclaimed in Romans 5:1: […]
September 1, 2023
a person using a vacuum to clean a carpet

Throw Out the Garbage

I bless you to Treasure Christ And the gift of His imputed righteousness So highly That all your own merits […]
August 31, 2023
a field of sunflowers with a blue sky in the background

The Hope that Lives in You

I bless the hope that Already lives in you! Child of God, You don’t have to send out A search […]
August 30, 2023
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

Abide in Hope

I bless you to Abide “In the hope of eternal life, Which God, Who does not lie, Promised before The […]
August 29, 2023
mountain surrounded with fog

Hope in the Unseen

bless you to Hope In the unseen.   “For in this hope We were saved…. Hope that is seen is […]
August 28, 2023
flock of birds flying above wavy body of water during golden hour

A Blessing to Walk by the Spirit

Child of God, Receive the promise The Lord spoke through Paul: “Walk by the Spirit, And you will not gratify […]
August 25, 2023
white sailboat on ocean

The Allure of the More Beautiful Song

May you triumph Over temptation Not in the manner Of Odysseus who shackled Himself to the ship mast Forbidding his […]
August 24, 2023
person standing in front of body of water

A Blessing Beyond Your Mind

May your blessed mind Be stretched taunt And brought To its brink Where, instead of collapsing into confusion, Your soul […]
August 23, 2023
snow mountain under stars

Dream God’s Dreams

May your God dreams never die. May the inspired visions, The deep, God-given knowings, The Spirit-induced yearnings, Live in you, […]
August 22, 2023
woman standing on mountain near body of water

God’s Got Big Plans for You

God’s got big plans for you.   “Thus says the Lord… I know the plans I have for you… Plans […]
August 21, 2023
man under tree during daytime

From All Wrong to All Right

I bless you today To revel in the “Righteousness of God Manifested apart from the law.” (Romans 3:22) What joy […]
August 18, 2023
gold and silver trophy on brown wooden shelf

A Blessing Greater Than Accomplishment

I bless you to be fruitful today. Fruitful, Not merely accomplished. Fruitful, Not merely successful. To bear the Spirit’s fruit […]
August 17, 2023
orange fruits under blue sky during daytime

A Blessing for Your Spiritual Appetite

I bless your spiritual appetite To be whet by The goodness of God. It need not take a crisis Or […]
August 16, 2023
person holding stack of wheat

A Blessing for Provision

Receive Paul’s parting Blessing to the Philippians: “My God will supply Every need Of yours According to His riches In […]
August 15, 2023
an aerial view of a desert at sunset

Moses is Dead Blessing

I bless you with The opening line Of God’s motivational Speech to Joshua As the son of Nun Prepared to […]
August 11, 2023
swan on water during daytime

Unlocking Peaceful Living

I bless you to sleep like a baby. Though researchers have Pinpointed 7000 different human fears, We’re born with only […]
August 9, 2023
silhouette photography of person standing on rock beside body of water


Believer, Be blessed with the assurance Of your salvation As fiery fuel Of great joy And strong security In the […]
August 8, 2023
person holding jigsaw puzzle piece

Your Answer is Near

May the simple Powerful Belief In the Gospel In your heart Be to you the Lifting of your shame.   […]
August 7, 2023
book lot on table

You’re a Publisher of Good News

You’re a publisher of Good News.   “How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him Who brings good […]
August 4, 2023
lake between trees and mountains

A Blessing to Be Filled with Good News

May you be enamored today With the goodness of the Good News, Rapt with wonder at The goodness of… What […]
August 3, 2023
white dandelion in close up photography

Need Motivation for Evangelism?

Want to be more motivated, More effective, In sharing the Gospel?   Looking for fuel to feel more qualified, More […]
August 2, 2023
silhouette photo of three person near tall trees

What Beautiful Feet You Have

What lovely feet you have— All you who share the good news, Who smile with God’s smile And tell of […]
August 1, 2023
man jumping on the middle of the street during daytime

Oh, It’s Finally Over!

“Christ is the end of the Law For Righteousness to Everyone who believes.” (Romans 10:4)   It means the End […]
July 31, 2023
body of water under cloudy sky

What Christ Put to an End

May you find strength In the finished work of Christ To keep facing All that is unfinished In the work […]
July 28, 2023
selective focus photography of plant

Digging Up Gold

How odd, That the Apostle of grace, The church planter who fumed, At the prospect of the tiniest Dab of […]
July 27, 2023
person's hand holding book page

Receive God’s Word

Beloved, Every word of scripture That you have heard and believed Is the very Truth Of Eternity Tucked away in […]
July 26, 2023
yellow concrete building

Before the Throne

“Come up here….”   The invitation to John on Patmos isle Is yours as well. (Rev. 4:1)   See Him, […]
July 25, 2023
brown and black wire on green grass during daytime

The Blessing of Casting Crowns

bless you today To cast your crowns Before the throne (Rev. 4:10). Not because God demanded it, Not because it […]
July 24, 2023
a couple of women standing next to each other

See the World Differently

May you see the broken world Through the Savior’s eyes And discover His empathy For an immoral culture. When Jesus […]
July 21, 2023
rule of thirds photography of man on boat

Peace with God

I bless you today To enjoy your peace with God. No new information is needed. No new work is required. […]
July 20, 2023
milky way on mountains

The Greatest Power

No matter what bad news Or confusing dilemma Or challenging circumstance You might face today, I bless you to join […]
July 19, 2023
a man standing in the middle of a desert


“Beloved.” It’s every Christian’s identity. It’s your name. “Beloved” of God. Simply, “one who is loved” by God (As in […]
July 18, 2023
black and white mountain under cloudy sky during sunset

How deep is the Father’s love for you?

As deep as His love for His only begotten Son. As the Nazarene shook the Jordan water from His baptized […]
July 17, 2023
left human palm close-up photography

Seeing Sin Without Obsessing Over It

I bless you to know The predicament of sin And your powerlessness over sin Apart from Christ Because, like an […]
July 14, 2023
person walking on street between forest

Walk in Gospel Power

I bless you today To walk in the power of the Gospel— To be fueled for Joy And for every […]
July 13, 2023
silhouette photography of plants

Prison-Like Seasons

I bless you to see What God sees in your hard times, How… It’s all lining up— The good, the […]
July 12, 2023
people watching concert during nighttime

Access Granted

You have been given Access— Invitation— Into the glory room Of Heaven. There, with the 24 elders, And four living […]
July 11, 2023

Safe from the Storm

God held back storm winds for you. Not summer thunderstorm winds. Not tornado winds. Not category 5 hurricane winds. No, […]
July 10, 2023
a person holding a baby

Generational Blessing

I bless you to Envision, Enjoy, And embrace The generational blessings That have snuck into your life, Without you knowing […]
July 7, 2023
a wooden path through a lush green forest

God at Work for Your Good

For good….   I bless the “good” That God is working Toward in “all things” In your life.   “We […]
July 6, 2023
a view of a mountain range at sunset

A Blessing for Synergy

May your life flow Synergistically By the providence and grace of God.   Synergy.   From the Greek prefix “syn” […]
July 5, 2023
a person standing on a rock in a canyon

All Things for Good

God is at work.   Providentially, Sovereignly, Graciously, At work …   To make “All things work together For good….” […]
July 4, 2023
USA flag on green grass

Independence Day Blessing

Independence Day!   God bless America and keep her free!   Free from deception; Free from destruction; Free from demoralization. […]
July 3, 2023
selective focus photography of black and white bird on stem

The Big Setup

It’s all a big set up. God has rigged your blessing. “We know that for those who love God All […]
June 30, 2023
man sitting on rock during daytime

An Uber Conqueror

In Christ, You aren’t merely victorious, You are “more than a conqueror” (Rom. 8:37). A “hypernike” (Greek)– An “uber conqueror.” […]
June 29, 2023
4 women standing on beach during daytime

The Victory Blessing

Child of God, You are no victim— You are a victor.   I bless you today To ingest and digest […]
June 28, 2023
a person holding a magnifying glass with pink flowers

A Blessing of Love to All Who Suffer

The love of the Lord Comforts, Assures, And heals. I bless your soul To experience the plea Of the psalmist: […]
June 28, 2023

A Blessing of Love to All Who Suffer

The love of the Lord Comforts, Assures, And heals. I bless your soul To experience the plea Of the psalmist: […]
June 27, 2023
a close up of a sheep laying on the ground

Goodness Will Follow You

Bless you, little lamb, Surely goodness and mercy Shall follow you All the days of your life And you shall […]
June 26, 2023
in flight dove

Enjoy God’s Presence

I bless you to enjoy The near and dear Presence of God today. I like how Paul starts His letter […]
June 23, 2023
silhouette of man standing on rock formation during sunset

A Blessing to Be a Royal Priest

You’re part of “A royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9)— The priests of the king’s domain, A kingdom of priests. In […]
June 22, 2023
a person standing on top of a sand dune

The Holy Nation

You’re part of “A holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9)— A “set apart” people, Uniquely made for God, Privileged to enjoy […]
June 21, 2023
white cathedral

Not Guilty!

The heavenly courtroom Had assembled as usual.   But this day was different. The facts of the case had changed. […]
June 20, 2023
lake between trees and mountains

Continually Filled

I bless you to “Be filled continually With the Holy Spirit.” (Eph. 5:18, TPT) If you were filled Yesterday It’s […]
June 19, 2023
bonfire selective focus photography

A Blessing for Spirit Infilling

I bless you to “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18) Every head was bowed, Every eye closed, When the […]
June 16, 2023
silhouette photography of person standing on rock beside body of water

A Blessing for the Confused

If the path of life feels Crooked, Convoluted, Confusing, Take heart— “He will make your paths straight.” (Prov. 3:6) If […]
June 15, 2023
white flowers

The Power of Looking at Lilies

I bless you to look long At little, unworried things, Like lilies And sparrows. “Look at the birds of the […]
June 14, 2023
a lit up box sitting on top of a table

Being Loved Means Being Treasured

I bless you to Know, Experience, Apprehend, And Live In the love of God That “covers a multitude of sins” […]
June 13, 2023
brown and white mountain under white clouds during daytime

The Humility that Leads to Honor

May the weak times, The humbling times, The hard times, Be, for you, The gateway to honor. “Humility comes before […]
June 12, 2023
floating green leaf plant on person's hand

Fear Not Death

Be assured, Child of God, You are going to live forever. God doesn’t throw broken stuff away— He restores it. […]
June 9, 2023
silhouette of person walking under white clouds

A Blessing for the Elect

God calls you His “elect” Not because He’s capricious, Not because He wants some to miss heaven. He wants you […]
June 8, 2023
bird singing on tree

Contentment in Trouble

May you find Contentment In Peter’s salutation: “To those who are elect exiles.” (1 Peter 1:1). Chosen permanently, Rejected occasionally. […]
June 7, 2023
body of water under cloudy sky

Rejoice Amidst Suffering

I bless you to “Rejoice insofar as You share Christ’s sufferings” (1 Peter 4:13, ESV). May God’s grace Grow in […]
June 6, 2023
a person reaching for a flower in a field

Love, Not Law, Defangs Sin

I bless you that the love of God That “covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8) Will fill you […]
June 5, 2023
a couple of people that are walking in the dirt


It’s Peter’s term for the saints (1 Peter 4:12) Because That’s who you are. You are “One who is loved.” […]
June 2, 2023
bonfire near body of water during night time

God in You

  God is in you, Child of God, IN YOU.   “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus From […]
June 1, 2023
white bird flying during daytime

A Blessing to Be In the Spirit

Child of God, “You … are not in the flesh But in the Spirit…” (Romans 8:9).   You have flesh, […]
May 31, 2023
silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

God’s Grin Over You

To say “There is therefore Now no condemnation For those in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).   Is to say…   […]
May 30, 2023
a woman in a hat and coat walking through a canyon

Best News Ever IN Him Alone

  BEST NEWS EVER:   “There is therefore Now no condemnation For those IN Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).   IN […]
May 29, 2023
a large waterfall in the middle of a mountain

A Blessing NOW

BEST NEWS EVER:   “There is therefore NOW no condemnation For those in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1).   It’s the […]
May 26, 2023
a person with a hat standing in front of a herd of horses

The THEREFORE Blessing

Best News Ever:   “There is, therefore, Now no condemnation, For those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).   […]
May 25, 2023
silhouette photography of plants

There is NO Condemnation

­Receive and revel in the Crescendo of Paul’s epistle:   “There is therefore now NO condemnation for those Who are […]
May 24, 2023
silhouette of man looking star during sunset

A Blessing to Cry Out to Jesus

Fear not to cry with Paul, “Who will deliver me?” (Romans 7:24) Because those who feel the futility Of their […]
May 23, 2023
brown sparrow perched near red fruits

A Blessing for a Way Out of Sin

There is a way out. There is a way forward. There is way of victory. There is always a way […]
May 22, 2023
Pyramid of Khafre

When You Have to Make Bricks without Straw

When hard things become harder, When bricks must be made without straw, Get ready – God is planning a great […]
May 19, 2023
white airplane flying in the sky during daytime

Blessed to be Holy and Blameless

Child of God, “You, who once were alienated And hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, He has now reconciled In […]
May 18, 2023
person holding string lights

A Guiding Light

When you’re in Christ, The devil can’t turn out the lights, Leaving you in a dark room, Stumbling through the […]
May 17, 2023
person standing near body of water

Free Indeed

I bless you today With Jesus’ deep promise: “If the Son sets you free, You will be free indeed.” (John […]
May 16, 2023
a garden with a brick wall and a gate

When Narrow is Wide

I bless you to enter By the narrow gate That leads to Life. You need not Be deceived Or tantalized […]
May 15, 2023
the sun is setting behind a fence in a field

The Paradox of the Narrow Gate

May your world expand As your focus narrows. As the world cries, “Cast off restraint If you want to be […]
May 12, 2023
white sheep near the brown board

Hear Jesus Tell You Who You Are

I bless you to Hear Jesus say: “You are…” Like He said To Simon Bar-Jonah. “You are… Petra, the rock” […]
May 11, 2023
orange fruit on green grass during daytime

A Blessing to Overflow with Fruit

May you overflow With the Spirit’s fruit today. Love … God’s affection, selflessness, generosity. Joy …God’s laughter, light-heartedness, elation. Peace […]
May 10, 2023
person standing on hill

A Blessing for a New Appetite

Some years ago I endured a diet For thirty days That allowed zero sugar. Zero. Not just No Ben and […]
May 9, 2023
shallow focus photography of white shih tzu puppy running on the grass

Any Interest in a Dead Mouse?

I bless you today to be a “slave to righteousness.” (Romans 6:18) May you feel no alternative But to be […]
May 8, 2023
bird singing on tree

A Blessing to be a Slave of Righteousness

May you increasingly discover The BLISS of being a SLAVE Of righteousness (Romans 6:18). A SLAVE? Paul, the proclaimer of […]
May 5, 2023
woman standing under blue sky

Do You Feel Like a Slave to Sin?

Child of God, You are no slave to sin. Paul says it plainly: “[Your] old self was crucified With Him […]
May 4, 2023
woman walking on sand dunes during daytime

Forget the Past and Forge Ahead

I bless you that, “Forgetting What lies Behind And straining Forward To what lies Ahead,” You will be able to […]
May 3, 2023
woman standing on grass field

A Citizen of Heaven

I bless you today To enjoy your “Citizenship in heaven.” (Philippians 3:20) In Paul’s words, “Our citizenship is in heaven […]
May 2, 2023
person walking in the center of the road

A Blessing to Stay Unstuck

You aren’t stuck in sin! Ah, yes, true … we all still sin, But … Child of God, You aren’t […]
May 1, 2023

The Path to Lasting Hope

  Hope comes by a process.   It isn’t listed in the Galatians 5 fruit of the Spirit. It isn’t […]
April 28, 2023
two white sheeps on green grass field

A Blessing to Grow Spiritual Muscle

The hardships you are enduring Aren’t defeating you— They are building your Spiritual muscle. I bless you to “Rejoice in […]
April 27, 2023
low-angle photography of brown bird

Peace with God

  I bless you today with the peace that matters most— Peace with God.   It’s the peace proclaimed in […]
April 26, 2023
woman walking on sand dunes during daytime

The One Percent Blessing

I bless you to grow, One percent. “One percent!”, the ambitious soul cries. “It isn’t nearly enough!” Indeed, one percent […]
April 25, 2023
bird near purple petaled flowers

Little by Little

If your spiritual progress feels slow And your victories seem small— GOOD! God gives His people their Promised Lands “Little […]
April 24, 2023
gray concrete castle

A Great Work

Like Nehemiah, you’re “doing a great work” And can’t afford to be distracted Or delayed Or detoured By the enemy’s […]
April 21, 2023

Forget Your Sin

I bless you today to forget about your sin The way God has. What? The heart protests: But I still […]
April 20, 2023
white and gray sheep lamb


It’s a bold blessing to give you, A bold claim to believe: You’re blameless In Christ. Don’t blame me for […]
April 19, 2023
pink and white flowers under white sky during daytime

A Miracle in the Making

Maybe your miracle Is in the next cool dip In the Jordan. Proud General Naaman’s leprosy Had a cure— Wash […]
April 18, 2023
person wearing black work boots

A Blessing to Persevere

I bless you to keep sowing Because … In due season You will reap! (Gal. 6:9) Hell can’t crush your […]
April 17, 2023
green tree on brown sand during daytime

Your Jericho

Your Jericho walls Are going to tumble. I bless you to keep marching. What if the Israelites had stopped After […]
April 14, 2023
yellow flower in tilt shift lens

The Gospel Seed

“The Gospel, Which has come to you… Is bearing fruit and Increasing.” (Colossians 1:5-6) May you see it, Feel it, […]
April 13, 2023
brown fruit on green leaf

Filled With Wisdom

I bless you that “You may be filled With the knowledge of his will In all spiritual wisdom And understanding, […]
April 12, 2023
sunflower field under blue sky during sunset

A Blessing for Patience and Joy

I bless you today to be “Strengthened With all power, According to his glorious might, For all endurance And patience […]
April 11, 2023
bird singing on tree

True Humility

May you “Have this mind… Which is yours in Christ Jesus, Who, though he was in the form of God, […]
April 10, 2023
red poppy flower field at daytime

Blessed to Forget Your Pain

I bless you to be as Manasseh— “Forgotten troubles,” the name means. You are not defined by the pain of […]
April 7, 2023
brown lion lying on green grass

A Blessing for Boldness

“No man Shall be able To stand before you All the days Of your life. Just as I was with […]
April 6, 2023
brown grasshopper on white sand during daytime

You’re No Grasshopper

I bless you to See your spiritual foes As they are—not as You imagine them to be. They’re not really […]
April 5, 2023
rough road surround trees with fogs

A Blessing for Guidance

With the Lord as your Shepherd, You’ll never be lost. Need nourishment? He leads you to the green pastures. Need […]
April 4, 2023
person walking beside body of water

The Appointed

“Before you were born … I appointed you….” (Jer. 1:5) Before you were born, God saw you, Knew you, And […]
April 3, 2023
low angle photo of cherry blossoms tree

Count All Loss

I bless you that you may, Like Paul, “Count everything As loss Because of the surpassing worth Of knowing Christ […]
May 23, 2024
woman walking on body of water

Weep No More

“Thus says the Lord: ‘Keep your voice from weeping, And your eyes from tears….” (Jer. 31:16) There is a time […]
May 21, 2024
person holding stack of wheat

Claim Your Generational Blessings

I bless you to Envision, Enjoy, And embrace The generational blessings That have snuck into your life, Without you knowing […]
May 3, 2024
five persons riding camels walking on sand beside Pyramid of Egypt

Making Bricks Without Straw

When hard things become harder, When bricks must be made without straw, Get ready – God is planning a great […]
April 9, 2024
pathway between cherry blossoms

A Blessing to Forget Your Pain

I bless you to be as Manasseh— “Forgotten troubles,” the name means. You are not defined by the pain of […]
March 25, 2024
brown and gray concrete building

Deep Cisterns Blessing

I bless your every taste Of Living Water That pools in the cisterns you did not dig.   When God […]
March 7, 2024
a person sitting on top of a sand dune


Eyes of the heart, Be blessed to open wide And see!   To see the hope To which He has […]
February 22, 2024
person sitting across body of water

The Humility that Leads to Honor

May the weak times, The humbling times, The hard times, Be, for you, The gateway to honor. “Humility comes before […]
February 14, 2024
bed of red roses

God’s Valentine to You

Here’s God’s valentine note To you, His beloved— A blessing from Paul’s pen: “According to the riches of his glory […]
February 9, 2024
green and white mug

This is the Day

This is the day. There are plenty of challenges in every day. Any day can present a conflict in need […]